Manhole Box 3 M

Availability: Same Day
The Shore Sales Manhole Box is ideal for square excavations. The 3m works well with our trench box range, enabling you to accommodate wider trench support specifically at the manhole site without widening the entire trench

Why use Manhole Boxes?

Your excavation projects will benefit from using this specialised support product because:

  • Panel gaps are provided on two faces to harbour trench runs into the manhole box, with provisions for trench sheeting to be added to close-off ends.
  • Manhole boxes come in knocked down form – enabling easy transportation and fast assembly onsite, whether it’s a pre-existing trench or, in loose and sandy soils, via a progressive dig and push method.
  • The Shore 3m Manhole Box is designed to safely and effectively support trenches up to any depth, provided that the working load limit of 50kPa is not exceeded.
  • Special features

    The five top features of the Manhole Box Series are:

  • Trench sheets or steel plates can be used to close off ends
  • Base panels have a cutting edge to improve installation
  • Top extension units can be connected to increase trench depth
  • Enables rapid construction of manholes, chambers and interceptors
  • Certified to Australian Standard AS 4744.1-2000 Steel Shoring and Trench Lining – Design


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